
Contributions to conferences and journals made by ESRs in the course of their research

Fernández, A., & Bežovan, G. (2023, May). Uloga hipotekarnih subvencija u strategiji hrvatskog gospodarskog rasta: političko-ekonomski pristup SSK-u. The Role of Mortgage Subsidies in the Croatian Economic Growth Strategy: a Political-Economy Approach to the SSK. In Tomić-Koludrović, I. et al. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, 9th National Sociological Congress of the Croatian Sociological Society (pp. 35-36), Split, Croatia.

G.Bezovan (Supervisor), A.Fernandez (ESR12)



Horvat, M., & Bežovan, G. (2023, May). Analiza održivosti sustava socijalne integracije beskućnika u Hrvatskoj / Analysis of the sustainability of the homeless social integration system in Croatia. In Tomić-Koludrović, I. et al. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, 9th National Sociological Congress of the Croatian Sociological Society (pp. 38-39), Split, Croatia.

G.Bezovan (Supervisor), M.Horvat (ESR6)



Pappa, A., & Paio, A. (2023, October). The role of commons-oriented policies in the transformation of urban governance: The case of the participatory budget BIP/ZIP in Lisbon [Poster Presentation]. In 2nd PARTICIPATORY DESIGN CONFERENCE. Transforming the City: Public Space & Environment, Inequalities & Democracy. Athens, Greece

A.Paio (Supervisor), A.Pappa (ESR13)


Subsidies or Green Taxes? Evaluating the distributional effects of housing renovation policies among Dutch Households

M.Elsinga (Supervisor), A.Fernandez (ESR12), M.Haffner (Supervisor)


Investigating the impact of housing price increases on consumption: heterogeneity by age, tenure and housing quality

A.Fernandez (ESR12)


Roussou, E., Ricchiardi, A. (2024, May). Enclaves of commoning across the divide: self-organised spaces against divisions. In AESOP Symposium: “Constructing Peace through Public Space: What publics? Whose commons?”. Nicosia, Cyprus

E.Roussou (ESR9)


Social Housing Retrofit: Case studies in resident engagement

S.Furman (ESR2), A.Martínez (Supervisor)



Tzika, Z., & Sentieri, C. (2022, February). Understanding co-creation in the transdisciplinary research of sustainable and affordable housing. Reinventing the City, Scientific conference AMS Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

C.Sentieri (Supervisor), Z.Tzika (ESR10)



Davis, A. (2022). Industrialising housing to meet circular goals: a cradle-to-cradle assessment in combination with design for disassembly and building layers. Valencia International Biennial of Research in Architecture (pp. 636-644), Valencia, Spain.

A.Davis (ESR1)



Horvat, M. & Bežovan, G. (2022, August-September). Analysis of sustainability of service providers for social integration of the homeless in Croatia. In European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) Conference 2022, Barcelona, Spain.

G.Bezovan (Supervisor), M.Horvat (ESR6)



Furman, S. (2022, June). The emergence of affordable housing and its relationship to social housing: The history of housing commodification in England. Arquitectonics: mind, land & society, 20th International Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

S.Furman (ESR2)



Davis, A. (2022, June). Industrialised construction: key moments in housing from past to present. Arquitectonics: mind, land & society, 20th International Conference (pp. 11-34), Barcelona, Spain.

A.Davis (ESR1)




Conferences (51)

Articles (9)


Mahmoud Alsaeed (2)

Lucia Chaloin (0)

Tijn Croon (2)

Annette Davis (1)

Aya Elghandour (2)

Alex Fernandez (5)

Saskia Furman (3)

Marko Horvat (2)

Anna Martin (2)

Carolina Martín (0)

Andreas Panagidis (2)

Androniki Pappa (3)

Leonardo Ricaurte (0)

Effrosyni Roussou (6)

Zoe Tzika (2)

Christophe Verrier (2)


Gojko Bezovan (2)

Nadia Charalambous (4)

Adrienne Csizmady (1)

Adriana Diaconu (2)

Paulette Duarte (2)

Marja Elsinga (3)

Karim Hadjri (4)

Marietta Haffner (4)

Joris Hoekstra (2)

Anna Martínez (2)

Krzysztof Nawratek (1)

Alexandra Paio (2)

Andreas Savvides (1)

Carla Sentieri (1)

Gerard van Bortel (1)


active citizenship (1)

added value (1)

adequate housing (1)

affordability (1)

affordable housing (6)

affordable housing (1)

affordable housing (1)

agency (1)

Approach. (1)

architectural geography (1)

BIM (0)

built environment (2)

built environment (1)

capability approach (1)

case studies (1)

case study (1)

circular economy (1)

civil organisations (1)

civil organisations (1)

clashing vulnerabilities (1)

co-creation (3)

collective housing (1)

collective housing (1)

commoning (1)

commoning (1)

commons (3)

communal living (1)

communal living (1)

community (1)

community (1)

community engagement (1)

community-engaged design (2)

comparative housing (1)

comparative policy (1)

construction codes (1)

cooperative housing (1)

cradle-to-cradle (2)

data visualization (1)

data-driven design (0)

data-driven evaluation (1)

design (2)

design and build pedagogy (1)

design for disassembly (3)

design studio (1)

east european housing (1)

energy efficiency (1)

energy poverty (4)

Energy poverty (1)

energy transition (3)

England (1)

environmental sustainability (1)

ESG (1)

evidence-based research (1)

financialization (1)

Fit-out systems (1)

Flexible design (1)

Focus groups (1)

fuel poverty (1)

growth regime (1)

growth regime (1)

Health and Wellbeing (1)

hedonic pricing (1)

home ownership (1)

homeless (2)

homeless (1)

homeownership (1)

household health (2)

housing (3)

Housing Affordability (1)

Housing allocation (1)

housing crises (1)

Housing customisation (1)

housing decarbonisation (1)

housing democratisation (0)

housing design (2)

housing economics (1)

housing policy (4)

housing policy (1)

housing research (1)

housing systems (1)

hyper-commodification (1)

ICTs (1)

inclusionary housing (1)

Inclusionary housing (1)

industrialised construction (3)

informal urbanism (1)

instrumental variables (1)

knowledge production and transfer (1)

life cycle assessment (2)

life-cycle stages (1)

live studio (2)

local housing policies (1)

local partnerships (1)

mass customisation (0)

mode 2 science (1)

mortgage subsidy (1)

neighbourhoods (2)

Nicosia (1)

Open Building (1)

participation (1)

participation (1)

participation (1)

participation evaluation (1)

participatory action research (2)

participatory budget (2)

participatory strategies (1)

placemaking (1)

planning (1)

policy (1)

policy prototyping (1)

post-occupancy evaluation (1)

post-socialist transition (1)

poverty gap (2)

public-civic collaboration (1)

quality of life (2)

queer theory (1)

Renovation (1)

Rent setting (1)

resident engagement (1)

residents (1)

retrofit (1)

retrofit (1)

right to the city (1)

risk society (1)

self-organised (1)

service providers (1)

service providers (1)

shearing layers (2)

social exclusion (1)

social housing (5)

social housing (1)

Social housing (1)

social impact (1)

social integration (1)

social integration (1)

social policies (1)

social policy (2)

social rights (1)

social service (1)

social service (1)

social sustainability (1)

social value (1)

social value (1)

socio-spatial process (1)

Southern Europe (1)

spatial agency (1)

spatial mapping (1)

spatial negotiation (1)

supportive housing (1)

sustainability (3)

sustainability practices (2)

sustainability research (1)

sustainability standards (1)

sustainability tools (1)

sustainable housing (2)

sustainable measurement frameworks (1)

Tags: housing finance (1)

targeted policy (3)

taxation (1)

total quality assessment (1)

transdisciplinarity (4)

transdisciplinarity (1)

trauma-informed design (1)

UK housing (1)

unsupervised learning (1)

urban areas (1)

urban commons (1)

urban development (1)

urban development (1)

urban governance (3)

urban infrastructure (1)

urban living labs (1)

urban planning (1)

urban planning (1)

urban regeneration (1)

welfare policy (1)

welfare state (1)

welfare state (1)

well-being psychologically informed (1)

wellbeing (1)