
Barcelona conference exhibition
Published on 15-06-2024
Within the framework of the Barcelona Conference, from 15 to 17 May 2024, an exhibition showcased the collective work of the RE-DWELL network. One set of diagrams emphasized societal challenges identified by researchers across the RE-DWELL research areas of “Design, Planning, Building”, “Community Participation”, and “Policy and Financing”. Another set of interconnected panels delved into the individual research contributions within the shared vocabulary and case study library of affordable and sustainable housing.
The exhibition included posters submitted by external participants at the conference.

Exhibition at University of Cyprus
Published on 15-01-2024
Between December 6 and 9, 2023, a RE-DWELL exhibition showcased ongoing work at the conference "From urban research to planning and design: strengthening cooperation between academia and practice." Hosted by the Department of Architecture at the University of Cyprus, the event marked the end of the KAEBUP project. During the plenary session "Fostering synergies: Advancing collaboration between academia and professional practice," Nadia Charalambous, ESR9 Effrosyni Roussou, and ESR8 Andreas Panagidis from UCY Department of Architecture, curators of the exhibition, presented the research and training framework being implemented in RE-DWELL.

Exhibition at Valencia School of Architecture
Published on 25-09-2023
The collective research work of the network is on display at the School of Architecture, Universitat Politècnica de València, from September 22 to October 2, 2023. These panels were displayed before at the ISHF 2023 in Barcelona, and at the School of Architecture La Salle, Barcelona.
The panels in the original size (1m x 2m) are availalble in the section Materials.

Exhibition at La Salle Campus Barcelona
Published on 15-06-2023
The collective research work of the network is on display at La Salle Campus Barcelona, from June 15 to June 22, 2023. The panels had been displayed before at the ISHF 2023.
The panels in the original size (1m x 2m) are availalble in the section Materials.

International Social Housing Festival, 7-9 June 2023, Palau de Congressos, Barcelona
Published on 09-06-2023
This exhibition features de collective work of the early-stage researchers, structured in vocabulary entries and case studies, and their interlinks.
The panels in the original size (1m x 2m) are availalble in the section Materials.

CTAV, Col·legi Territorial d'Arquitectes de València, 8 -22 September, 2022
Published on 15-09-2022
An exhibition of the work being carried out by the 15 early-stage RE-DWELL researchers is on display at the CTAV, Col·legi Territorial d'Arquitectes de València, from 8 to 22 September, 2022.
More information at: http://arquitectosdevalencia.es/contenido/exposicion-re-dwell-msca-itn/