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Anna Martínez

Supervisor ESR2; Co-supervisor ESR10

Architect (1989) and PhD (2008) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Her PhD “The architect's house” is a review of the architectural design process as reflected in the transformation of eight modern architects’ own houses.

She has taught in the graduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes of the architecture school of the Polytechnic University (1991-1998) and at the Escola Massana of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2013-19) and continues to teach at the School of Architecture La Salle, Ramon Llull University (since 1998). In her design studio teaching, she adopts a transversal approach that emphasizes artistic and cultural aspects. As director of master's and doctoral theses, she has specialized in the analysis of 20th century architecture, throughout the entire design and construction process, using graphic representation as an instrument for understanding and criticism.

Since 2008, she has been a member of the research group Research on Mediterranean Architecture (IAM), which is currently part of the La Salle Integrated Architectural Research group. The work of the research group focuses on strategies for the restoration of architectural and landscape cultural heritage in the Mediterranean region, using sustainability criteria to promote human welfare.


Participation in structured courses (RMT, TS)


Participation in network activities (Workshops, Summer Schools, Conferences, Secondments)


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Tzika, Z., & Sentieri, C. (2023). Towards collective forms of dwelling: Analysis of the characteristics of the emerging grant-of-use housing cooperatives in Catalonia [Poster Presentation]. In 2nd Conference on Participatory Design. Transforming the City: Public Space & Environment, Inequalities & Democracy. Athens, Greece.

Posted on 29-03-2025



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