Joris Hoekstra
Co-supervisor ESR3 and ESR11
Joris is an assistant professor of Housing Studies at TU Delft. He also holds a position as visiting professor at the University of Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Joris is specialized in comparative housing research, housing policy and social housing. He teaches on research methods and housing topics, supervises PhD and master students, and is active in the development of online education. Joris is currently work package leader (work package on participatory action research and reflexive policy making) in the EC-funded H2020 UPLIFT project ( Between 2010 and 2017, he served as managing Editor of Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. Next to his work in academia, Joris is member of the supervisory board of a Dutch housing association.
Croon, T.M., Hoekstra, J.S.C.M., Elsinga, M.G., Dalla Longa, F., & Mulder, P. (2022, June). Mind the gap: the use of poverty gap indices to quantify energy poverty in the netherlands [Conference Poster]. In 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Science, Manchester, UK.
Posted on 29-03-2025
Read more ->Verrier, C. (2022, August). Land use and local housing regimes: What place for affordability? In ENHR Conference 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Posted on 29-08-2022