Work Packages
The work to be carried out during the project is structured in five work packages:
- 1. Management and planning of network activities
- 2. Integrated training activities
- 3. Network training activities
- 4. Transdisciplinary A&S housing research framework
- 5. Dissemination, communication and exploitation

The WP structure will support the creation of the research framework, with three work packages devoted to planning, design and delivery of training activities (WP1, WP2, WP3), and one dedicated to design and implementation of a novel transdisciplinary research framework for affordable and sustainable housing (WP4). ESRs research projects will interlink the different subject areas, across disciplines and sectors. To assure the interdisciplinarity, each ESRs project will have a primary research area and a second/third related area.
Work Package 1 (WP1)
Management and planning of network activities
To design and implement the procedures for the effective scientific, administrative, and financial management of the project, while maintaining a fluent and effective communication with the funding programme; to assure the project runs as planned and optimises the use of resources ensuring that the scientific and technical objectives are achieved with a high-quality level; to assure the integration of the various strands of the project into a coherent line of work; and to coordinate and effectively implement the network activities (workshops, summer schools, conferences) in accordance with the work programme.
For more information about the Tasks and Deliverables of WP1 download the pdf.
Work Package 2 (WP2)
Integrated training activities
To design and implement a joint training structure applying a blended-learning methodology which combines courses from the beneficiary institutions delivered f2f and online and intertwined with the network-wide activities. To create shared learning resources (syllabus, video lectures, literature) for each of the courses included in the training structure. To establish joint evaluation criteria for the training activities across the network.
For more information about the Tasks and Deliverables of WP2 download the pdf.
Work Package 3 (WP3)
Network training activities
To plan and implement network activities with the collaboration of beneficiaries, partner organizations, researchers and external stakeholders, to exchange knowledge across disciplines, and sectors involved in the provision of A&S housing across Europe. To deliver network activities through a series of events and publications across the network.
For more information about the Tasks and Deliverables of WP3 download the pdf.
Work Package 4 (WP4)
Transdiciplinary A&S housing research framework
The aim of this work package is to give ESRs the methodological tools to carry out their research projects within the transdisciplinary research framework for A&S housing delivery. Through the activities in this work package, ESRs will be able to build their research on the theoretical inputs from several disciplines in accordance with their specific research goals and to gain the necessary skills to develop and implement the framework to answer specific research questions. They will produce a shared vocabulary to support further research work on A&S housing, identify and examine key case studies. This way, it will be possible to interlink, through the ESRs research, the subject areas currently being addressed in the doctoral programmes of 10 academic institutions with the know-how of 12 non-academic organizations working in the provision of housing.
For more information about the Tasks and Deliverables of WP4 download the pdf.
Work Package 5 (WP5)
Dissemination, communication and exploitation
To design, implement and maintain operative during the network lifetime and beyond a web-based platform and its associated tools (social web, blogs). Production and dissemination of contents to be distributed through the project digital platform: newsletters, factsheets, videos, etc. Organization of two conferences of the “Global Dwelling” series to showcase the ESR research, and to confront it with the work of other researchers in the field. To produce material to maximise dissemination and exploitation of results through the ties established between the ESRs and the multiple stakeholders targeted by the research to guarantee the transferability of research outcomes and the continuous professional development of researchers.
For more information about the Tasks and Deliverables of WP5 download the pdf.