Gojko Bezovan
Supervisor ESR6; co-supervisor ESR12 - Host coordinator

Host university
B4 - Institute for Social Policy-ISP, University of ZagrebBezovan’s current research deal with housing needs assessment, local housing programmes and impact on demographic trends, housing innovations and housing of vulnerable social groups. In last ten years he was a partner it two EU FP7 projects partly dealing with housing and several European Social Fund projects more focused to housing issues. Besides that, he deals with research on social policy, civil society and welfare mix development. He published more article, chapters in books and books in mentioned field. Currently he supervise one PhD from the social policy field. He is a member of The European Network for Housing Research-ENHR and International Society for Third-Sector Research- ISTR.
Horvat, M. & Bežovan, G. (2022, August-September). Analysis of sustainability of service providers for social integration of the homeless in Croatia. In European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) Conference 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Posted on 29-03-2025
Read more ->Fernández, A., & Bežovan, G. (2023, May). The Role of Mortgage Subsidies in the Croatian Economic Growth Strategy: a Political-Economy Approach to the SSK. In TomićKoludrović, I. et al. (Eds.), Book of Abstracts, 9th National Sociological Congress of the Croatian Sociological Society (pp. 35-36), Split, Croatia.
Posted on 29-03-2025