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The New Housing Precariat in Europe

Posted on 26-12-2022

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The New Housing Precariat in Europe


Insights from My Secondment at MRI

During my one-month secondment at the Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI) in Budapest, Hungary, I gained invaluable knowledge about the housing needs and challenges in Hungary, which has significantly contributed to my doctoral studies. Although my stay was brief, it was theoretically and methodologically crucial for advancing my research on the theory of the precariat and housing regimes.


About the Metropolitan Research Institute

Founded in 1989, the Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI) is an internationally and nationally recognized scientific think-tank dedicated to housing, social problems, and urban development. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to work with MRI, which has enriched my academic journey and provided me with critical insights into housing issues.


Focus of My Research

During my time at MRI, I primarily worked on the literature review for my doctoral thesis, focusing on the theory of the precariat and housing regimes. The fruitful discussions and collaborative environment at MRI were instrumental in helping me draft my conference paper on "Clashing Vulnerabilities for the Right to Affordable Housing," which is now evolving into a book chapter. This chapter explores the new meanings of risk society, provides an overview of how the housing precariat has changed over the last decades in Europe, and offers a new typology of the housing precariat with an emphasis on clashing vulnerabilities.


Addressing the Limitations of the Regime Approach

Another significant outcome of my secondment was addressing the limitations of the regime approach to housing studies. These limitations include:

- Oversimplification

- Static categorization

- Focus on formal systems

- Lack of recognition that housing policy is interconnected with other policy areas (welfare, urban planning, employment)

- Neglect of cross-cutting issues (gender, race, class)

- Overlooking individual agency, local governance, and community initiatives

While the regime approach is a useful framework, it should be complemented with other perspectives. It is also necessary to investigate individual-level factors through life course cases, as there tends to be inadequate attention to micro-level dynamics. When exploring how housing policy impacts the middle class, both macro and micro-level analyses are essential.


My secondment at MRI was a transformative experience that provided me with deeper insights into the housing precariat in Europe. The support and guidance I received were instrumental in advancing my research and understanding of housing issues. As I continue to develop my work, I aim to contribute to the broader discourse on housing precarity and advocate for more comprehensive and inclusive housing policies that address the needs of all vulnerable groups.

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Martin, A. (2023, June). Clashing Vulnerabilities for the right to adequate housing. Marginalized groups vs. middle-income groups in a precarious housing situation. In Clashing Vulnerabilities, Uppsala, Sweden.

Posted on 09-03-2025



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