Ben Pluijmers

Host university
PO10 - European Federation for Living,After his masters degree in Engineering at the University of Technology Delft (NL), Ben complemented his education with business studies at the Nyenrode Business University (NL) and the University of Michigan Business School (USA). He worked in business for about 20 years, of which almost 12 years as managing partner at Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants, one of the major Consultancy Firms in The Netherlands. In 2007 Ben started working for housing association Com•wonen, and later Havensteder as Director of Real Estate/Vice-President. After 2014, he focused on advisory and interim board member/ceo positions. Since 2014, Ben has been a member of the board of Lhedco, a holding company of the housing association Polylogis in the Paris area. Furthermore, he is a member of several other supervisory and advisory boards. Ben joined EFL in 2007 and was elected an EFL board member in 2010 and in 2013 as chairman of the board.