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Workshop 2 (Budapest)

Published on 29-09-2022

The workshop organized by the Centre for Social Sciences (CSS) has been carried out during the second year of the project activities in Budapest, from March 28 to 30, 2022.


The theme of the workshop, "Community Involvement in Affordable and Sustainable Housing," was approached from a sociological perspective, focusing on socio-spatial inequalities, financialization and housing, and green homes and communities.  


The workshop programme fulfilled various objectives: to follow up on the development of the ESRs’ research by fostering networking between the individual research projects, to conduct training activities related to two structured courses (RMT2 and TS2), to continue with the collaborative research work (vocabulary and case studies library) and to engage local stakeholders in the networking actions (non-academic sectors, local administrations and civic organizations concerned with sustainable and affordable housing).


An open roundtable was held on the topic of "Community Engagement", with the online participation of Prof. Jenny Pickerill and Prof. Richard Lang, and moderated on-site by Prof. Gerard van Bortel.


Local NGOs and secondment representatives were involved in the organization and implementation of some workshop activities, including:

- Projection and discussion of the documentary “No Country for the Poor”, with the participation of two members of the organisation AVM, A Város Mindenkié (The City for All).

- Urban rehabilitation in District VIII, lectures and site visit organized by the local Urban Rehabilitation and Development Company (RÉV8) and the partner organisation MRI.

- A serious game facilitated by the local NGO CoHousing Budapest Association.

Reference documents

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RE-DWELL Report D3.2

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Workshop Programme
