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Research Methods and Tools – Report 2

Published on 29-11-2022

The purpose of this report is to document the objectives, content and implementation process of the Research Methods and Tools 2 (RMT2) course. The course is worth 4 ECTS, which is equivalent to about 100 hours of learning, including online and in-person sessions and self-directed work.


RMT2 aimed to encourage ESRs to critically engage with comparative research methodologies and tools, integrating them into their research projects where appropriate. Also reflecting on the transferability of research findings and recommendations was part of the course content.


Two results of the course, an overview of qualitative and quantitative data resources and reflective essays on comparative research methodologies and tools, can be further developed. The data resources will be included as resources in the project website, and the essays are valuable research outcomes which can be further developed. 

Reference documents

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RE-DWELL Report D2.4

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Relevant database sources collated in the course
